Join us this Summer for our 50th anniversary themed weekends!
Check out the full details of each themed weekend on the Kings Landing calendar of events.
June 7, 8 & 9 - Military Muster & Morehouse Memories
June 15 & 16 - Family Connections: The Hagermans and the Ingrahams
June 22 & 23 - The Victorian Period Perleys
June 29 & 30 - Life at the Long House
July 6 & 7 - The Slipp House Social
July 13 & 14 - Talk About Trades
July 27 & 28 - Emancipation Day & Gordon House
August 3 & 4 - All in the Hardworking Lint Family
August 10 & 11 - Culinary Connectivity and the King’s Head Inn
August 17 & 18 - Huestis Hospitality
July 20 - 50th Anniversary Celebration
August 24 & 25 - Keeping up with the Joneses
August 31 & September 1 - Fisher’s for Rent
September 7 & 8 - School Days
September 14 & 15 - Churches in the 19th Century
September 21 & 22 - Moving in with the Donaldsons
September 28 & 29 - Crossing the Atlantic: The Killeens & British Home Children
October 5 & 6 - Down on the Joslin Farm
October 12, 13 & 14 – Thanksgiving Weekend