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Beresford Marsh and Environment Interpretation Circuit

If you love the outdoors and want to learn more about the environment, then a visit to the marshes and shores of the beautiful Chaleur Bay is a wonderful way to connect. Beresford is home to a unique ecosystem. As you explore the trails, interpreters share their knowledge in amusing and sometimes surprising ways. The Beresford Marsh and Environment Interpretation Circuit takes the visitor on a stroll in an unparalleled location where visitors can explore the natural habitat of the Maritime Ringlet (Coenonympha nipisiquit), an extremely rare butterfly which lives exclusively in the salt marshes of the Chaleur Bay. During the months of July and August, the circuit can be explored with a guide. Visitors can also enjoy a pleasant hike on the circuit's dedicated walking trails, over 2 km (1.25-mi.) accessible from May to November.