This is one of the best places on Grand Manan to view whales, porpoises and seabirds as they feed in the rip tides below the cliffs. Bald eagles are also common in the area. Periwinkles and dulse are picked along the shores below the lighthouse, and visitors can watch lobster, scallop and herring fishing depending on the season.This lighthouse, known locally as "The Whistle," was originally established in 1873. The current square concrete building and tower was constructed in 1971. Located at the northern tip of Grand Manan Island, it was started as a fog-signal station and then converted to a lighthouse. The site is open to the public, but the tower itself is closed. In addition to wildlife viewing, this is also a favourite place for visitors and locals to come and watch the sunset over the coast of Campobello Island. The wooden helicopter pad by the lighthouse and the bench just down the road make good viewing platforms.Several of Grand Manan's excellent coastal walking trails can be accessed from this point. A trail guide is available from the visitor information centre or any of the island's gift shops, and is recommended for those interested in walking the many trails. Driving directions: Route 1, Exit 60, onto Route 176, take ferry at Blacks Harbour, onto Route 776, turn left when leaving ferry, then turn right at Whistle Road and drive 4 km (2.5 mi.).
Long Eddy Point Lighthouse ("The Whistle")