Located in prime black bear, moose and white-tailed deer country, you will be hunting in virgin territory that has been untouched for years. Wayne Scott is your host in this newly acquired area ... all 25,500 hectares (63,000 acres) of it, where you'll use stands strategically placed for you to get lots of opportunity to see game, not other hunters. Bear hunting from stands over fresh bait, as well as transportation to and from your stand. This outfitter knows what it takes to put you on game: fresh bait, lots of pre-season scouting and attention to detail are all factors that make a regular hunt a great one. Choose from archery (including crossbow), rifle and muzzleloader. You'll enjoy a renovated camp with all the amenities, and your lodging, meals, guiding and game prep are always included. This is the first year for this experienced outfitter to offer this new area – located 450 miles from Boston and 650 from New York – and it's a great opportunity for hunters to take advantage of this pristine wilderness.
Nictau Lodge Outfitter